Have a question that you want answered? Email us at info@nationalkoshersupervision.com 
***Please note that our hashgachah extends only to the branches that are specifically cited on our teudot (certificates). Incorrectly assuming that one branch of a food provider is kosher just because another one is a common mistake people make. Please check for our valid kosher certificate with exact address in the store window.  
PASSOVER & CHOMETZ: All of our Jewish customers sell their chometz with Rabbi Mehlman for Passover, therefore products may be purchased immediately after Passover.
Q.  Is Avenue Bakery at 77th Street and 2nd Avenue in Manhattan under your hashgacha? 

If it is no longer, what changed?
A.  That store is no longer under our supervision. We removed our Hechsher. The restaurant decided to develop and expand its café and introduce non-kosher items. In addition, they did not want a mashgiach temidi for the cafe which is required.

Therefore, all café items are not bishul yisroel. The same kitchen is producing bakery and café items so the whole enterprise is no longer kosher.
Q. I Work in building 77 in Brooklyn navy yard I noticed there is a bakery in the lobby with your certification, Russ & Daughters. As far as I know they are open on Shabbos so can you please provide me a bit more info as to how its setup?
 A.  This is owned by no Jews and therefore they can be open on shabbos. ONLY THE BAKED GOODS ARE KOSHER at this location.
Q. On the KJ kashrus list it states that Rabbi Mehlman gives the hashgacha for “Tomer’s” on the Upper East Side. Many products have different Rabbi’s names on them; the products without a visible hashgacha, who certifies them ?
A. All products are under our hashgacha; many items are baked in Far Rockaway under the Vaad of the 5 Towns.
Q. I was wondering if the parmesan cheese at Sabas Pizza requires one to wait 6 hours after eating it or not?

A. Yes, you do have to wait six hours after Parmesan cheese.

But Sabas does not use Parmesan cheese on the pizza.
It is only on the salads (if they are still offering that on the menu).
There is a mashgiach there or so you could ask them as well
If the Parmesan cheese is cooked into the item you do not have to wait six hours
Q. I was wondering in the meat restaurants that you certify does a non religious owner have the key to their business and are they allowed to be there without a mashgiach?  What is the difference between a religious owner and a non religious one ? 

A.  A non-religious owner never has keys to the meat locker or prepared foods, etc. only the mashgiach temidi does.

Regarding the difference between a religious and not religious owner, it depends on the situation and circumstances, but in general, we do not allow any owner to wash vegetables for infestation, even if they are religious – a mashgiach is required
Under certain circumstances religious owners are permitted to put on fires and ovens, etc., if present throughout the day.
Q. Is there a mashgiach temidi in Malka  and are all the vegetables checked? 

A. We do have a mashgiach temidi and vegetables are checked according to OU standards only.